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Monday 26 November 2012

Pub Research

You may remeber that in my draft there is a shot where the lads are walking to the pub. If not here is a print screen of it.

This is one of my shots that I was least pleased with for my draft. These are a few of the problems I have with it.

- Only 3 of the 4 members are present
- The darkness takes abit away from the video quality
- All 3 of the present members have their hoods up which I don't think represents the genre of the band.

So I have decided to attempt to film it again with different circumstances.

Firstly, I need to attempt to use the same pub again but with all the members in daylight!!

This is a picture of the pub that I took during lighter hours where compare to the night the colour and quality appears much better.

If there is not an oppourtunity to get all of the lads from Lutterworth to Thurlaston where the pub is I need to look for an alternative, more convienient, pub. So I looked for one in the local area and on advisement of people in my class I have found one in Lutterworth that would be appropriate. It is called, The Shambles, this is a picture I found on google of the pub

I decided to get a better idea for where it is, so I found it on google maps.

For practical reasons of getting there I found the route from Lutterworth to the pub, luckily it is only 0.6 miles away from college.

Secondly, I need to make sure even though I am perfectly fine with the band members wearing hooded tops that they are not wearing there hoods upin the shots. When I see the hoods I think more of this:

Which isn't generally necessarilly bad but is not the apperance I am going for.

Finally, the last issuee is getting all of the lads there at the same time. Considering I go to college with all of them it is harder then you would think. Some of them have tendencies to miss single days which last week would of been ok but with the deadline being friday there is some risk attached.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Music Video Feedback

I had members of my class watch my draft music video and this is some of the feedback they gave my video:

Laura listed: - lighting needs sorting, band shots are a bit shadowy.
                      - actors work really well and costume looks good.
                      - casual style of shot works well/collage type video works for song

Mae listed: - Some of the lighting needs sorting
                    - should only be one singer, bit random. Having the shy boy (she means Matt on Bass              Guitar) for a second of it.

Alex wrote: "Some of the drumming and singing look shy. Clips are sometimes really random not linking anything. Really like the casual shots in town in front of wall and skating.

Balpreet listed: - good shots used especially close ups
                           - Narrative slow
                           - Boys having fun
                           - lip syncing not on time
                           - drummer seems upset?

Jack wrote: Good miming, nice locations, clothes fit, nice banter, more shots to finish

These are some feedback points I listed from my teacher:
- Look at the framing of shots
- Only half done but can see concept being formed
- Rainbow t-shirt (Tie dye on Danny the singer) key
- Keyboard prominate in video, add more shots   

Digipak & Advert Feedback

I had members of my class openly view my digipak and advert and this is the feedback that I received:

Alex wrote: "I like the front cover and advert, but doesn't really stand out just with black and white"

Jack listed: - Good professional photos
                  - Realistic Reviews
                  - Modern advertising
                  - Nice theme
                  - Cool Font
                  - Better cutting out needed
                  - Move font on disc

Laura wrote: "Advert looks current and professional and matches well with Digipak. Some editing of photos on digipak could be improved."

Vish wrote: "The digipak looks like a whole package. Black and white works well and is simplistic."

An Un-Named person: "Good use of font and text layout. Definite grayscale theme. Edges need smoothing on advert models - looks jagged."

Thursday 8 November 2012

My Flickr Photstream

Georgepricey's photostream on Flickr.

These are photos I took to use on my final digipak

Monday 5 November 2012

Digipak Idea

 This week is the deadline to finish the digipak and advert so of course I am now thinking more seriously on how to improve my drafts. One of the evaluation points that I was given was how the panel I have cropped below looks more like something a boy band would have rather then something an actual band would have, and frankly I agree but want to change it. My teacher showed me this album cover from a band kind of similar to mine called: 'The Crookes'. This is their 2012 album 'Hold Fast', and even if the band is not exactly like mine I still think I can take a lot of inspiration from it to make mine look more professional.

Friday 2 November 2012

Draft Music Video

Uploading Draft

Recently, I have been attempting many ways to upload my video to my blog. Firstly i tried putting it on iTunes from Final Cut Pro but could not then find a way to get it onto my blog. Finally, I figured out that I could upload the video through going onto youtube and finding it in my documents. this is a print screen after i successfully uploaded it. :)

Mid-Editing Feedback

At a first look at at the first minute of the video I have recieved some feedback that when I conduct my re-takes. the main point that my teacher stressed was that they are suppose to be a 4 person band yet even in the first minute that there lots of separate shots with selective band members. This is probably down to the fact that on the main filming day the drummer, Matt Rogers, was only able to join us for the band shots so there no other shots of that day with him in. These are some examples of selective band member shots I found already

Thursday 1 November 2012

Editing First Draft

Through editing my video I am beginning to notice that at times when I as lazy and didn't bother to use a tripod that some of the clips haven't come out as well as I envisaged. I am seriously considering re-filming my band shots and a few others for my final video but it may be difficult to get the lads together in such a short period of time. Also, this means i have to use the shots that I am not happy with for my draft.

Adding the MixPod

To make my blog more relevant to music and also my view of music I have added a new gadget to my blog of a MixPod. It is a gadget that looks like a iPod touch and starts playing music of my choice. Unfortunately I was not able to get my song Shuffle on it so I just chose songs I like and I feel are of a same genre. Currently, when you visit my blog the song 'What You Know' by Two Door Cinema Club starts playing